White Chalk Crime is White Collar Crime With a Special Twist.

It is unregulated, uninvestigated, tax subsidized lawlessness topped with mismanagement and incompetence that is destroying our schools conducted by EducRAT$, who have secreted the conundrum that has devastated our Education system in their desire to feast at our expense. (EducRAT$ are hired, appointed or elected leaders who are RAT$ more engrossed in $$$$$ and power than in educating our children, and who have made careers of bilking the public.)

I am sure you have heard the saying that “40″ is the new “30,” i.e., our current generation no longer feels middle-aged at 40. Along that line of thinking, EducRAT$ are the new Mafia. EducRAT$ have organized white collar crime into something unique, hence white collar crime modified with the word “chalk.” Chalk is literally symbolic as a stereotypical teacher tool, and figuratively symbolic as easily erasable, the fundamental nature of White Chalk Crime.

While the Mafia with a capital “M” refers to blue collar crime such as drug dealing, gambling, protection, and prostitution amongst other vices, the EducRAT mafia with a lower case “m” refers to white collar crime such as manipulative mismanagement, circumvention of laws, teacher or educator abuse, embezzlement, bribery, and kickbacks.

The qualities these mafias have in common include: a well-organized system of crime working as a team; durability over time, which resistance to reform epitomizes; enough power to use fear to have their way; ability to commit crime while existing as an integral part of the tapestry of society; insulation from the law; parasitic existence off a host, which in both cases is the public; and a code of honor that maintains silence.

The main difference is that the Mafia accesses their money via vice, while the EducRAT mafia accesses their money via taxes, and the Mafia uses physical brutality and murder to induce fear; the EducRAT mafia uses psychological brutality and control of the legal system to induce fear. Although EducRAT$ often drive teachers to suicide and systematically rob teachers of their property rights, directly murdering people and directly robbing people is not part of their agenda to the best of our knowledge.

Another significant difference is that the EducRAT mafia enjoys the respect of the public and is insulated from scrutiny by bias that EducRAT$ have our best interest in mind whereas the Mafia is an object of disdain for most.

All criminals need a plan; using teacher abuse to replace hit men is EducRAT$’ perfect design. The fear of hit men deters most people away from going after Mafia members; the fear of teacher abuse frightens most educators away from exposing what is really going on. Silenced employees is the single most cost-effective measure to keep crime undercover in our schools.

Schools are not about children to EducRAT$. They are opportunities for power and perks. Those running the schools, just as heads of political parties, see their job as expanding power, not expanding children’s minds and well-being. Tax driven rather than profit driven, they have an inexhaustible source of money and an inexhaustible source of credibility with the public assuming that they are of the highest ethical order; their duty to the public enjoys a sacred trust. Thus, they operate with the wind on their back as a monopoly, with an absence of healthy skepticism. They do not have to succeed as does a business that must be profitable to survive; they do not have to worry about regulatory bodies as does a business that must be lawful to survive. Taxes keep coming in regardless what they do. The only regulatory feature in place to ensure that they cannot betray the public is local elections, which, in reality, is cleverly not in place.

EducRAT$ have fragmented Education, turning their underlings into puppetry, and using their absolute power to ensure unbalanced news from the local press. This insidious culture, aided and abetted by institutions, such as teachers’ unions, steeped in prejudice and greed, focused on money and power, not ideals, rests on a foundation of lies spun into “truth” by an endless propaganda campaign, referred to herein as THE GAME, courtesy of a team dedicated to politics, not children. It should be identified as ENRONcation, not Education.

The truth of why our public schools are so dysfunctional lies buried under layers of carefully positioned propaganda, and skillfully constructed terror, courtesy of EducRAT$, school boards, and unions all over our nation. A more accurate description of our schools is arrogant monopolies that have abandoned logic as well as morality because they can, with White Chalk Crime existing at the pleasure of those in charge. As long as their public is unaware, their allies are in lockstep, and their agendas are in position so that the public cannot unearth the truth, nothing will change because it does not have to change. Teacher abuse, their covert weapon, assures EducRAT$ that they, rather than the people, are in control, and is thus the first aspect of White Chalk Crime we need to eliminate to force change in Education. With teachers free to speak, White Chalk Crime will no longer pay.


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